Jigokuraku Wiki

Senta apologizes

I, 4th Six Paths, would like to give those who visit the Jigokuraku wiki for information on the series my sincerest apologizes regarding the information concerning Gabimaru's real name. It has been years and because of my careless action some of you have already spread this misinformation on social media and other forms of news. I can't tell you how embarrassing and disgraceful as a supporter of Jigokuraku this makes me feel and will vow to do better. As for the other information from the fanbook and novels, I can assure you that they are all correct after going back to check but if you find any errors please let me know as soon as possible. Ever since I became admin of the wiki I have strived everyday to make it great for the series, even if it meant doing it alone, and hope that you can all find it in your hearts to forgive me.


Jigokuraku Wiki

The tenth volume of the Jigokuraku manga.

Cover Characters



Following the arrival of the second landing party, Hōrai turns into a warzone with the Iwagakure shinobi from the second team battling against the Dōshi and the Yamada Asaemon confronting the criminals of the vanguard. On one side, Gantetsusai fights against Shugen but finds himself having difficulty countering against his unique ability to copy the skills of the other Yamada Asaemons. Fuchi tries to convince Shugen that Gantetsusai is not his enemy but fails after Shugen cuts him down. While at the floodgates, Rien engages in a fight with Shija who manages to steal the Elixir of Life from him. Gabimaru tries to not waste his time any longer fighting against the Iwagakure shinobi and makes a quick dash to the Rentan Temple to reunite with Sagiri, who is in a bind with Yamada Asaemon Isuzu. Meanwhile, after being left alive by Shion, Zhu Jin makes their way to the Main Temple and merges with the Banko, resulting in Hōrai being taken over and presents a problem for both the first and second teams. After Shugen runs to the floodgates to prevent Rien from leaving the island, Fuchi regains consciousness from his injury and tries to heal Gantetsusai's wounds but sees that a sacrifice must be made.
